New Discovery Reveals...
True Hidden Cause of
Acid Reflux...
...and how your body can defeat it in 14 days or less… 
It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime.

Rita and I had been planning our three-month RV road trip across the country for over a year.

Celebrating our 35ᵗʰ wedding anniversary while experiencing all that the good ol’ USA has to offer.
But I was scared.
Not because I was nervous being on the road for so long…

Or because of what kind of craziness we might encounter along the way…
I was scared stiff that my dreadful Acid Reflux would ruin the whole trip.
And I didn’t want to put that burden on Rita.
Anything could trigger my reflux:
Eating too heavy… or eating something that wasn’t even supposed to hurt me…
Or, forgetting that I was bending over for too long in the garden…
Or lying down on my back to go to sleep.
But life is so hard and unenjoyable when you have to check and double-check before you do anything…

Of course, I didn’t want the burping…

Or the burning, bloating or abdominal discomfort…

Heck, you would think that the sleepless nights and all the time I spent hovered over a toilet would teach me a lesson.

I’d been very careful about how I live and how I eat…
But often that wasn’t enough.
I kept finding myself in a familiar position…

Staring at the toilet with saliva pooling in my mouth before regurgitating my meals and red-hot stomach acid...

...until there was no more to give.

Followed by an uncomfortable burning throat with a rough, itchy tongue and mouth…
I knew my “trigger foods” were spicy, fatty foods. Or chocolate… or coffee.
Basically, anything that tasted good.

But my throat and stomach couldn’t afford ANYTHING that tasted good.

So, I’d go back to my "white" diet. Fish, chicken, rice, pasta, potatoes…

Bland, bland, bland.

Many days I felt if I were no longer alive, at least I wouldn’t have to deal with the agony anymore.

If it wasn’t for Rita, I probably wouldn’t have made it.

We had too much to do… Like our big Road Trip.
I remember like it was yesterday… 
May 11, 2016.

We set off from our home in Hillsborough, NC and our first stop would be historic Savannah, Georgia.

One of the highlights would be sitting down for delicious Southern Cooking.

Well… at least Rita would enjoy all the delicious fried chicken, beef stew, okra and tomatoes, candied yams and macaroni & cheese to die for.
I’d be sticking to bland rice, white meat, and probably some broccoli or cucumbers.

That was the plan anyway.

But once I smelled that fried chicken

I figured it couldn’t hurt to take just two small bites of this and that...

...only for the experience.
While Rita encouraged me to “live a little” and try the delicious food…
We both soon regretted it.
It wasn’t a pretty sight.

I’ll spare you the details of my night spent belching non-stop and then puking up my guts in the RV’s tiny bathroom.

Once it all stopped, I shivered on the bed with my mouth full of a sour, bitter taste and my throat on fire from all the stomach acid that had shot up into it.

It was gloom and doom on the very first day of our big trip…

But I wouldn't have traded it for the world.
Because that night I met a brilliant Southern Gentleman who would show me the light...
...with a powerful
acid reflux breakthrough…
That’s totally different from anything you’ve ever heard.

A solution that’s so effective thanks to its natural capacity to alleviate:
Throat pain
Abdominal pain
Stomach discomfort
And nausea…
And all within 14 days or less??
Hi, my name is Johnny Clark.
The corporate fat cats, otherwise known as ‘Big Pharma’ HATE me because what I’m sharing could very well put an end to their monopoly on profiting from your reflux pain.

As you’ll discover inside this short presentation…

Pocketing $5.1 billion in profits each year from selling acid reflux drugs… isn’t something they’re willing to part with so easily.
In fact, Americans will fill over 170 million prescriptions for acid blockers this year.
So they don’t want you to know that it’s 100% more desirable to get your hands on an all-natural treatment.

That’s because their drugs destroy the microenvironment in your gut which leads to nasty side effects including headache, diarrhea, nausea, and even more vomiting…

And there are reports of even more serious side effects that include adverse conditions such as kidney disease, infections and vitamin deficiencies.

These negative side effects most always cause patients to abandon their treatment…
But why let ineffective and sometimes downright dangerous outcomes get in the way of their huge profits?

It's no surprise they're doing all they can to make sure I get shut down and get this presentation taken off the internet.
They DO NOT want you to hear what I have to say.
And they definitely DO NOT want you knowing the real cause of your acid reflux has nothing to do with blocking stomach acid.
The truth is all of your discomfort, bloating, wet burps, regurgitation, burning, lumpy throat and more…
Are all caused by a bacteria found in your stomach.
Something that Big Pharma’s H2 blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors can’t fix…

Because they’re not addressing the root cause of your problem.
In fact, studies show that these medications may only be making your problems… WORSE.
But thanks to extensive experiments and studies conducted by institutions such as the World Health Organization, the World Journal of Gastroenterology and the Journal of Medical Microbiology…

Researchers discovered an “Acid Originator” that gets activated to trigger a chemical reaction that forces acid to burst up into your esophagus…

Much like Old Faithful’s frequent and somewhat predictable eruptions at Yellowstone National Park!
That’s why I made this presentation…

To share what I’ve learned from the genius Southern Gentleman who saved my life.

Including a 3 question quiz that will tell you if you’re suffering from an overgrowth of this Acid Originator…

Plus what you can do immediately if you are.

So you too can say good-bye to acid reflux, severe discomfort and heartburn for good.
I’ll be sharing scientific studies that have proven without a doubt that...
...this 100% natural solution will finally deliver the results you’ve been begging for.
Proving that Big Pharma’s prescription meds are not only dangerous… but a big waste of time and your hard-earned money.

You won’t ever have to live in fear again of slipping up and eating the wrong foods that throw you right back into a reflux tailspin.
  • You’ll get back to living your BEST life.

  • A worry-free life…

  • So you can go about your day without worrying if you forgot your Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, or Tums at home.

  • You can eat barbeque, spicy foods, drink a coke if you want…

  • Even enjoy a cup of coffee without regretting it for days…
My Southern Hero showed me the light with his proven all-natural methods that gave me a safe way to conquer my acid reflux without Big Pharma getting one more dime from me!

This requires no prescription meds that come with big warning labels and some that have even been recalled for containing cancer-causing chemicals.

They can also lead to other problems like pneumonia, kidney disease, or even brain cognition issues like dementia.
And my solution doesn’t hold you down to any crazy diets.
You won’t be afraid what your stomach has in store for you if you accidentally eat foods with sugar… starch… gluten… the wrong spices… or anything else!
And you’ll say good-bye to those miserably uncomfortable endoscopies with a tube stuck down your throat.

If you’re ready to join the 16,000+ Americans who have already experienced extraordinary outcomes…

You’ll finally eliminate the burning sensations that keep you up at night…

Protecting yourself against chronic conditions that can result from your reflux.
But more on that in a little bit.
Stick with me until the end of this brief but powerful presentation…
Because I will show you exactly how to destroy this Acid Originator bacteria dead in its tracks…

 So you never have to suffer from your acid reflux ever again.
Just like Roger Evans from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who wrote…
“Johnny, I would have never believed it possible I’d see the day I was no longer angry at life because of my reflux.
I was skeptical that an all-natural solution could work but you proved me wrong.”
And Roberta Briggs from Tempe, Arizona…
“I was ready to say good-bye to this world if I couldn’t find relief from my reflux pain. Sorry to say that out loud but it’s truly how I felt. 
Your solution gave me my life back. My husband and I thank you. God bless.”
Hey so like I mentioned my name is Johnny Clark… And I live in Hillsborough, North Carolina.

I worked as a technician on the fiber optic lines over at the nearby university for the last 24 years…

I’ve now spent 36 wonderful years married to my lovely wife, Rita…

We have two beautiful children who have grown up to be fine young men.
As a family we grew up playing ball together, fishing, cooking, and spending Sundays at church.

But sadly it came to a point where I could no longer do everything that I wanted.
I could no longer enjoy my very favorite thing in the world…
Our family’s BBQ cooking.
I didn’t know if it was the meat, the beans, or the special sauce…

That all started the embarrassment of constant burping which soon left me with a liquid burning in my chest and throat.
It got to where my stomach knotted-up in fear about what could happen each time I had a meal.
I didn’t learn until later when I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux that I would have to avoid my “trigger foods” like red meats, pasta, pizza, cheese bread, potato chips, coffee, wine…

Basically, anything that I loved eating.

Oh and I almost forgot to tell you about the choking I experienced when trying to lie down to sleep.

I’m sure it’s not hard to imagine how difficult it is to fall asleep when you feel like you’re choking to death.
And are you ready for the unbelievable part?
Once I learned the trigger foods I needed to cut out of my diet… at least this sacrifice would solve my problems, right? WRONG.

I still couldn’t totally avoid my symptoms and I still suffered to varying degrees, no matter what I ate.

And sleeping with four pillows propping my body up to try and avoid the acid from pooling down the back of my throat wasn’t working either.

I basically never got a restful night of sleep.
This all really took a toll on my relationship with Rita and the children.
I imagine my story might not be very different from yours.

All I wanted was a solution to get my life back.
I asked the doctor… “Doc, what can we do to make this all go away?” 

He replied“Acid is more common than you would think and millions of people in the U.S. deal with it every day.”

“Well that doesn’t really make me feel any better,” I said.
“There’s too much acid in your stomach and that acid has nowhere to go but up into your esophagus,” he explained.
“Sounds like an over-the-counter treatment is not going to cut it in your case. Even if an OTC did work, it would stop working relatively soon anyway.”
He prescribed me a Proton Pump Inhibitor, also known as a PPI.

PPI’s are designed to reduce stomach acid levels. I was instructed to take it for 14 days.

While designed to alleviate my acid reflux the doctor explained that the side effects of PPI’s can include headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, nausea, and gas.
“Umm doc? Aren’t those side effects what I’m already experiencing with my reflux?”

And then he replied with a straight face… “Well many of them yes. But the idea is that it should at least slow the extra production of stomach acid.”
I later learned that stomach acid is actually a good thing and is essential for the proper absorption of vital nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, iron and magnesium.

All this could damage your immune system, increase your risk of cardiovascular issues, have a negative effect on cognitive function and brain health, while increasing the risk of serious kidney and renal issues.
Doc, would it make sense to avoid taking these drugs, just accept my fate and deal with the pain?”
He answered,
“Many patients have tried that. They hated what the drugs did to them and decided to try their best not to trigger their acid reflux at all costs.

Unfortunately, this leads you to develop other more serious health issues…  Many of which are incurable… Even deadly.”
I dutifully filled my prescription and took my pills.

14 days came and went.

I still felt all my reflux symptoms, since they were the basically the same as the side-effects from the drugs…

I admit the burning bile did subside a bit.
But the moment I finished my prescription…
My acid reflux was worse than ever!
I was experiencing an even more intense stomach burn than I ever had before taking the drugs…

My belching came back stronger than ever and my throat hurt so bad that I didn’t want to have to use my voice.

My doctor’s best advice was that I could try a different PPI drug that I might have a better reaction to.

He was content to mindlessly write out a new prescription.

It was as if he just wanted to get me off the phone so he could keep his schedule, write out a bunch more prescriptions and then go meet up with his buddies for another round of golf.
“Screw this,” I declared as I hung up the phone.
I decided to stick to my bland diet and go on this dream RV trip with my wife.
We needed it.

“Are you really OK to do this?” Rita asked.

Part of me knew she just didn’t want to be trapped in an RV with me for 3 months…

if and when I was having my reflux attacks.

We were getting on in our years…

If I wasn’t going to enjoy life’s pleasures now… when would I ever?
Flash forward to where I began my story…
Rita and I agreed that just a few bites of each of the Southern delights wouldn’t kill me.

And it was all as delicious as it looked and smelled. I was in heaven and feeling good.
I took out my supply of TUMS and popped a couple in my mouth… just for extra precaution.

After a long day of walking we made our way back to the RV and collapsed on our bed exhausted.

But then within just 45 minutes of lying down… terror was about to strike once again.

I rushed to the bathroom.
It got to the point where I was crying like a baby and banging hard on the RV’s bathroom wall, screaming out things like...
“Why God do I have to go through this?” and “Lord please help me!”
And that’s when I heard loud knocking on the door of the RV.

When I made it to the door I was greeted by man who explained…
“I sure ain’t the Lord but based on all the ruckus I’m hearing, 
I do believe I can help you… 
Do you like yogurt?”
“Huh?” I replied.
“My name is Michael Yates. In my former life I was a research scientist for a drug manufacturer that will remain nameless to protect the not-so-innocent…

I left that all behind 25 years ago to help people with natural solutions to their medical problems… instead of the garbage that my employer was putting out.”
“But what does all this have to do with yogurt?” I replied.
He said, “Well this has just a little bit to do with yogurt… That was my attempt at some scientific humor. With all the screaming coming from your RV, I thought I’d try and lighten the mood.”

Michael went on, “What you’re going through is way more common than you think… Millions of people across the U.S. suffer from severe abdomen and chest discomfort, esophageal spasms, stomach ulcers, GERD, and a whole lot of other terrible conditions… All because they failed to take care of their acid reflux when they had the chance.”
“Yes, I understand but the drugs I was taking didn’t make me feel much better.”

He replied, “That’s because those damn drugs don’t work… But that doesn’t seem to stop the drug companies from selling them.”

“What actually can work?” I asked.

“Well, yogurt does contain certain amounts of what you need… and so does sauerkraut… and some other foods. But they don’t contain nearly enough of specifically what you need…”
“So, what do I need?”, I begged.
“You need something that will treat the true root cause of your problems.
Those H2 blockers and PPIs the doctors give you are designed to block acid production in your stomach. But if their effects work at all… they never last.
Actually PPIs even carry an FDA warning that they should not be used for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 42 total days over the course of a year.

Yet doctors and patients frequently ignore this warning, risking severe consequences to ease the discomfort.

What you need is a natural, safe and EFFECTIVE way to treat what is truly wrong with you. 
You need Probiotics… 
More specifically, the correct strains of probiotics… and in the right dosages.”
“Probiotics?”, I asked. “For acid reflux?”
Michael explained how probiotics have a history of health benefits and are very popular as millions of Americans use them for a wide range of health issues.

In fact among adults, probiotics or prebiotics are the third most commonly used dietary supplement in America, other than vitamins and minerals.¹²

Probiotics are defined as ‘live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host’.
They’re a form of “good bacteria” in your gut.
“This all sounds promising. But I’ve tried natural therapies before… I might have felt a little bit better, but could never tell if it was all in my head… Because after a little while I always wound up feeling terrible again. How’s this any different?”
Michael explained, “The reason specific strains of probiotics work so well is because they treat the root cause of acid reflux, as opposed to what Big Pharma’s PPIs and H2 blockers accomplish for you… which is almost nothing in the long term.”
“Michael, please don’t make me wait another second… What is this true root cause of acid reflux and please tell me that your probiotics can save me?!”
He explained that acid reflux has nothing to do with the amount of stomach acid you have…

In fact, stomach acid is essential for the proper absorption of vital nutrients to maintain overall health… So, you want more of it… not less of it.
What’s really causing all that chaos in your body 
is an “Acid Originator” bacteria…
Its scientific name is Helicobacter pylori… but most call it H. pylori for short.

We actually all have H. Pylori in our gut. And at normal levels, it’s harmless.

But for millions of Americans, when there’s too much it produces hydrogen gas in the stomach.

In fact, this infects more than half of the world’s population.
And then this hydrogen gas erupts like Old Faithful and blasts up into the esophagus.

All this can happen on its own, but you do yourself no favors when you eat trigger foods like... spicy, or fatty foods… Or fruits and vegetables high in acidity... Bubbly drinks like soda... Or caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea can also set your acid reflux symptoms in motion.
The GOOD NEWS is...
Probiotics can stop all this from happening…
When Michael shared all this, I was shocked...

My doctor was addressing my acid reflux from the completely wrong angle with the stomach acid drugs.

I still wonder to this day if he even cared if the meds worked or not…

But hey, let me ask you:
  • Do you ever feel a smoldering and uncomfortable pain in your stomach, ribcage or chest?

  • Does that feeling move up and pool into your throat, causing a bitter taste?

  • Do you ever feel a lumpy sensation in your throat that makes swallowing unpleasant?
If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, then you should consider the likely possibility that you’re suffering from an overgrowth of H. pylori.
How does this all happen? 
Well, as we age our digestion slows down.
Which means undigested food just sits there in our stomachs longer.

This allows H. pylori to swoop in and feed on this undigested food.

The byproduct of this feeding frenzy is an onslaught of hydrogen gas…

Even a tiny 1 ounce serving of potatoes allows H. pylori to produce more than 3 GALLONS of hydrogen gas!
Are you beginning to see why it’s so easy for almost anything to trigger your reflux?
This happens when your stomach fails to digest burgers, pasta, fried food, Chinese take-out… really most anything and everything… H. pylori loves to eat it all.

Sound Crazy? I hope not.

Because you wouldn’t be here today if whatever else you’ve tried for your reflux has been working for you.

I’ll show you exactly how the probiotics that Michael gave me works wonders in killing all this… But first I need to share the bad news that Big Pharma’s PPI drugs can make all this even WORSE…
In 1990 the first PPI was launched for sale.

Then soon, five more PPIs hit the market.
But with all this new medicinal “help”, it seems strange that hospitalizations for long term acid reflux (GERD) surged from 995,402 in 1998

To 3.1 million in 2005

And then 4.7 million in 2010.
Although doctors were prescribing millions of PPIs…
there was still a 372% increase
in people getting GERD so bad that it required hospitalization.
Shouldn’t we have expected the exact opposite?

Here’s a hint as to why this all happened:
In 2006, just one of these PPI’s brought in
 $5.1 BILLION in profits.
Did it matter that these drugs either didn’t work as intended… or in many cases made patients’ H. pylori problems worse?
Of course not!

Why let a little issue like good results for patients get in the way of a CASH COW?

With all these billions in profits Big Pharma has plenty of money to fund research showing their products could be effective.
They’ll stop at nothing to preserve the status quo… because that means the billions will keep on flowing.
Michael was succeeding at his job of making me completely outraged at the sheer corruption of our medical system.

But he explained how his extensive research would show me how probiotics are a Godsend for one simple reason…

Unlike Big Pharma’s garbage…
Probiotics do their job and flat out DESTROY H. pylori!
Especially the 7 Specific Probiotic Strains that Michael educated me on.

Starting with…
Bacillus subtilis
Many strains of probiotics play pivotal health roles for the different systems in our bodies.

However, rigorous scientific studies have concluded that one of the best that can specifically help combat acid reflux is Bacillus subtilis.
An important study published in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, reports that Bacillus subtilis probiotic strains have been found to have an inhibitory effect on H. pylori.

The study goes on to say that it has been known for at least 40 years that the Bacillus subtilis strain secretes antibiotics and may also exert other properties such as anti-inflammatory activities.
This defensive effect against H. pylori is exactly what we need to help solve our acid reflux and heartburn worries!
The World Journal of Gastroenterology notes that Reflux Esophagitis (RE) is a common digestive disorder and its frequent recurrences cause significant physical pain and are financially burdensome to patients.
The scientists declared that while proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are commonly used today as the first-line treatment prescribed…

Disturbed gut microbiota has been observed among these PPI users.

Their SOLUTION was to administer Bacillus subtilis to patients to help fix the damage caused by the PPIs, as this probiotic has a beneficial effect on Reflux Esophagitis treatment and patient management.
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is an extremely well researched probiotic strain.

Numerous studies throughout the decades have proven more than 44 health benefits of this good bacteria.

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is best known for stimulating your immune system, fighting allergies and benefitting those with digestive issues like IBS and constipation.
But the BEST NEWS is this probiotic also has the ability to inhibit ulcer causing H. pylori!¹⁷

After all this good news for us… What could be next?
Lactobacillus Casei 
Lactobacillus Casei is known as an acid-resistant, good bacteria. And it can remain in the stomach longer than any other organism!

In a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Lactobacillus Casei was shown to produce a large amount of lactic acid which has been shown to be another inhibitory factor for H. pylori due to its antimicrobial effects.
The research concluded the data clearly showed Lactobacillus Casei inhibited the growth of H. pylori strains and even in the antibiotic-resistant strains!
Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Remember that H. pylori builds up dangerous hydrogen gas in your stomach when it’s feeding off the undigested food sitting in your stomach.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus helps break down food and promotes better absorption of nutrients.
It also fights off bad bacteria in the gut which helps prevent the fermentation that can lead to excess gas buildup… the exact culprit behind your heartburn symptoms! It even has anti-inflammatory properties that help combat inflammation brought about by GERD!

A 2002 study notes the presence of Lactobacillus Acidophilus appears to decrease H. pylori density in the human stomach and could enhance antibiotic therapy for H. pylori eradication!20

In fact, Lactobacillus Acidophilus had inhibitory effects on H. pylori in almost 87% of subjects, leading the authors to conclude that this probiotic could enhance antibiotic therapy for H. pylori eradication in humans.²¹
The remaining All-Star probiotic strains in Michael’s formula include:
Lactobacillus Plantarum
Bifidobacterium Longum
Bifidobacterium Breve
If you’re doing the math… 
...that’s a Total of 7 Strains of Probiotics
expertly combined in an advanced, 100% natural formula…
All specifically designed to stop the H. pylori Acid Originator bacteria dead in its tracks… To stop it from feeding on your undigested food and creating a “Hydrogen Bomb” of gas in your stomach.

All this results in less stomach pain… less abdomen discomfort… and significantly less heartburn.
“OK Michael, I’m throwing all my skepticism aside!”
“I beg you… please tell me you have this formula somewhere.”
He replied, “I’m headed home tomorrow night… Tell me where you’ll be on your journey in 3 days from now and I’ll ship your probiotics there.”
Rita looked it up and wrote down the address of the RV park in St. Augustine, Florida that would allow us to accept the package.

We thanked Michael and said our good-byes.

I was full of hope…

Would this really work for me?
As promised, a package from Michael was waiting for me in the office of the RV park in St. Augustine.

I had nothing to lose… except hopefully all my pain and suffering!

After taking the probiotic capsules, all I could do was wait.
After the first 24 hours… It seemed like nothing had changed.
For the last few days I had been eating my bland diet.

But I was still suffering from the same heartburn, burps, and my ever-present burning, lumpy throat.

My symptoms were a little less severe.

But I was hoping for a LOT more than that.
After 72 hours passed, I thought I was maybe starting to feel different
Or was it all in my head?

I was encouraged…

But I knew that it could also just be a coincidence.
But on the 4th day… I woke up in bed…
...and I was flat on my back.
Normally sleeping this way would result in a pool of acid in the back of my throat and it wouldn’t be unusual if I was gasping for air.

Something was different this morning…

I had just experienced the deepest, most restful, rejuvenating sleep I’ve had in years!

By the end of the 7th day…

My excitement was getting hard to control.
Rita and I had eaten three meals and walked around exploring all day…

Not once had I felt the uncontrollable need to belch or puke up hot bile.

I hadn’t even complained once about my stomach aching, or any chest discomfort!
And from day 8… Things started happening extremely fast.
I could breathe much deeper than normal.

The constricted feeling in my chest had vanished.

Rita and I got down on our knees and thanked God…

But it was looking like this was only the beginning of my miraculous turnaround.

Because 14 days after I had started taking Michael’s probiotic formula…
There wasn’t even a question of “is this working?” anymore.
It WAS working!
As my symptoms decreased, my confidence grew.

I kept taking my pills, day in and day out…

It was now 40 days into our trip and we had arrived in New Orleans.

At this point I felt like I had been born again.
  • Acid reflux... GONE.
  • Heartburn... GONE
  • Wet hot burps and regurgitation… GONE.
Walking around every day, I was getting some real exercise for the first time in a decade…

And I was becoming noticeably thinner!
I decided to push my limits to see what I could handle. 
“Rita,” I announced… “Let’s go out for dinner!”

I started the evening with a glass of red wine…

“Johnny, I know you’ve been feeling a lot better, but are you sure you want to go down this road? You know what alcohol does to you.”

I answered… “I just have a good feeling about this, baby… everything is going to be OK.”
We ordered the Surf n’ Turf and I was not shy about dunking my lobster tail in the warm melted butter.

The steak was cooked to perfection and the fried potatoes were delicious.

Afterwards we shared a dark chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream and tea.
If you’ve suffered like I have for years you know that if I could keep all that down, it would be a BIG VICTORY.
Guess what? 
  • NO burps…
  • NO regurgitation…
  • NO discomfort in my chest and stomach.
  • NO hot acid exploding in my stomach up into my throat.
Rita and I called up Michael.

We told him the good news and how we were both STUNNED by my physical and mental transformation.

He was thrilled for me, but didn’t seem surprised at all.

And that’s when I hit him up with a BIG request.
“Michael, I don’t know what your intentions are with this miracle formula you just shared with me, but we can’t keep this a secret. We have a moral obligation to help as many people as possible. If we can do for others what you did for me…”
"OK stop right there! Of course, I want to help as many people as I can. That’s what I do! “Give me the names and addresses of any family, friends and people in your community who need it and if they get the same results as you… then I know exactly what our next steps should be.”
I agreed and within days I had Michael ship bottles to everyone I knew who could use it.

Unfortunately, I knew too many people who were also suffering from various degrees of acid reflux.

And sure enough in the weeks that followed… They began calling to tell me that they’d finally gotten relief from their heartburn, discomfort and indigestion.
I started getting text messages saying I changed their lives and I’m a miracle worker.
It worked for EVERYONE that tried it.
One of my buddies back home told me he was finally able to go bed and get a good night’s sleep without waking up gasping for air!

Another one told me he was in tears because he could finally go out to dinner with his children and grandchildren without being a burden to everyone.

The best was when my boss told me he could now bend over and tie his shoes without acid swishing around his belly for the first time in 5 years.
This was HUGE.
When we arrived back home after our trip I went back to my doctor, just to make sure everything looked normal to him.
“I’ve never seen anything like this.” he said. “Last time I saw you, I could see that you were extremely uncomfortable and I’m sorry that nothing I gave you helped.”
That’s when I knew that I had been given the greatest gift in the world.

I knew what Michael had would spread like wildfire.

Since that moment, together we agreed to be 100% focused on bringing this product to as many people as possible who are suffering from acid reflux…

Just like you.
I have an inbox full of emails, and a phone full of texts and voice mails from everyone saying they too experienced the life changing effects of this formula.
As soon as you take it, you’ll feel the difference, too!
Eating delicious foods no longer needs to be a long-forgotten fantasy.

And it means never having to experience the pain, anxiety and discomfort that keeps you up at night and ruins your days.
  • Imagine having the passion and energy again to do the things you used to LOVE.
  • No more burdening your loved ones with your pain.
  • You’ll be a strong, capable and functioning member of society again!
We’ve named it
Acid Reflux 911
With Michael’s perfect formula and all my hard work to get the word out… I’m proud to say that this incredible acid reflux solution is no longer a secret.

 Not to you. Not anymore
If you’re struggling and haven’t been able to enjoy your life, this is for you!
Each ingredient was meticulously researched by a true expert in all-natural acid reflux remedies...

...carefully selected and measured to perfection, ensuring maximum bioavailability.

Each of the 7 strains of probiotics included have tons of scientific studies proving how they are well-equipped to defeat the evil Acid Originator H. pylori bacteria…
If you’re struggling with chest and stomach discomfort, lumpy throat, too much saliva, trouble swallowing, and nighttime reflux…
This is for you!
The fact that you made it this far in this presentation tells me something.

You’re absolutely ready to get the same kind of results I’ve shared with you today.
  • What kind of freedom do you see in the pain-free version of yourself?
  • Your independence…
  • Peace of mind…
I’m eternally grateful that Michael and I were able to partner with PhytAge Labs, which is one of the most respected Research and Development organizations in the world.
We would never be able to get our hands on the volume of pristinely sourced ingredients found inside this formula without their global reach and state-of-the-art labs that formulate each ingredient precisely following Michael’s specifications.

I'm confident Acid Reflux 911 is the most powerful H. pylori and reflux defeating formula the world has ever seen.
Now you're probably wondering how you can get your hands on this miracle-working product…
Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Each of the nutrients cultivated in PhytAge Labs’ facilities follow all GMP and FDA guidelines.

They have to be kept fresh and then tested by an independent third-party laboratory... make sure everything that's on the label is also inside the pill capsules.
Plus thanks to the massive case studies we have from our numerous success stories almost everyone who uses it cannot get enough of this stuff!

Because they NEVER want to suffer through not spending time with good friends and loved ones, being unable to eat normally or participate in their favorite activities, or even fall asleep without experiencing intense discomfort.
Acid Relflux 911 is expensive to manufacture, takes up to three months to produce...
...and keeps selling out.
Then you have people ordering bottles who don't even have discomfort or other pain problems YET...

But they want to keep themselves proactively protected from the Acid Reflux and heartburn epidemic that's been wiping the joy from millions of Americans...

No matter if they’re young or old.
So, I often don't have any Acid Reflux 911 available for folks like yourself.
That's why you’re about to discover how to get your hands on a fresh new bottle of Acid Reflux 911 as part of our new pilot program.

This isn’t just a supplement we’re talking about… IT’S A MOVEMENT!
The SHOCKING PART is that Acid Reflux 911 is the most AFFORDABLE and EFFECTIVE option you’ll find on the planet!

Most people assume Acid Reflux 911 should cost more than $200 per bottle…

My friends and family who found ultimate success with the formula told me they would gladly pay that price, simply because they know how much the results changed their lives.
In fact, I paid much more for the meds my doctor fed me… And those didn’t even work!

We both know that there’s no price that can be put on your health and happiness.
Still, I want to do something special for you…
I want to offer you a deal I’ll NEVER be able to do again.
The regular price for a one-month supply of Acid Reflux 911 should be $120.00…

But this is YOUR LIFE we’re talking about.

So, we’re cutting into our own profits to give you the lowest price possible.

And we’re happy to do it because we know what a life changer this will be.
Acid Reflux 911 is completely different from prescription meds or other “natural” (but ineffective) acid reflux products that simply don’t produce the results they promise you.
Here at PhytAge Labs we’ve performed the most cutting-edge research and found the very best ingredients in the purest formulations for our acid reflux relieving formula.
The regular price for Acid Reflux 911 is:
$120.00 per bottle
Which is a complete bargain if you take into consideration that we’re ONLY using the purest forms of probiotic strains found anywhere on the globe...

Unlike other “options” out there, Acid Reflux 911 is a new approach designed to inhibit the out-of-control H. Pylori bacteria growth in your stomach and protect against any pain or severe discomfort returning in the future.
If you tried to get your hands on all the ingredients in a single bottle of Acid Reflux 911 separately, you’d pay well over $120…

But since you’ve made the cut into our special VIP Group…
You won’t pay $120.00
You won’t even Pay $99.95
Not even $79.95
Nope, you don’t pay any of those prices…
When you take action right now, you’ll get your hands on a full bottle of Acid Reflux 911 in this special VIP offer
For ONLY $69.95
That’s not a misprint.

That's a savings of over $60 off the regular price and comes to only a fraction more than 2 bucks per pill!

That's less than one-quarter the price of the competition for the top-rated acid reflux relief supplements available in the world, and MUCH LESS than your doctor’s prescription meds.

It’s the lowest price you’ll find anywhere for Acid Reflux 911.
Do you think sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed while becoming stronger every day from increased movement and exercise, and having your pain be completely gone... 

Plus gaining increased energy and focus, less anxiety, better quality of life (and maintaining your sanity) worth a couple bucks per day?
Yes, we think it’s totally worth it, too!
And you’ll get all these benefits for LESS money?

Today is a special day that very may well change the rest of your life.
Because if you act right away and reserve four bottles of Acid Reflux 911… you'll have a spot in the PhytAge Lab’s Private Test Group which entitles you to our VIP Pricing..
at only $49.95 Per Bottle!
That's more than ½ OFF… 
A savings of over $70 per bottle.
Why would I ask for such a drastic price discount for you?
The answer is simple...

In our pursuit to push the boundaries of our research, we need people to share their real results with us…

Specifically, the ever-increasing benefits that start when you’ve been using Acid Reflux 911 for 30 Days or MORE.

As a result of that goal, we’ve instructed the lab to set aside an entire supply of Acid Reflux 911 so you can share YOUR success stories with us...
And our team of scientists will have a growing body of evidence to show the long term properties of this amazing product!
Think about it…
For what we’ve shown you, we’re more than justified at pricing Acid Reflux 911 at $120 per bottle.

For much less than the cost of your daily Starbucks “fix” you can use the H. pylori destroying, “life-saving” secret of health conscious ‘people-in-the-know’.

The high concentrations of active probiotics found only in Acid Reflux 911.
What will you feel like 4 to 6 weeks from now?
You’ll begin to FEEL the difference, guaranteed!
Life is short and before you know it, four weeks will come and go -- whether you like it or not.
But in 4 weeks' time, you could either have begun to pump these critical probiotics through your body and into your gut…

Helping ease away your physical discomfort and mental anxiety.

Or you could have your same current exasperation that makes you want to crawl out of your own skin.
Think about it like this:
At $69.95, you’re paying only $2.33 per day over the next 30 days! That’s less than the price of a Starbucks Coffee!

And you save even more if you opt for VIP multi-bottle pricing at $49.95!

We’re so totally confident that Acid Reflux 911 is going to support your gut health and restore your mental sanity while changing your life for the better…
That we’re going to let you TRY Acid Reflux 911 for a FULL 3 MONTHS (90 days) and if for ANY REASON you’re not fully delighted with the results...
Simply contact us for: 
A Full Refund.
Guaranteed to work – or you PAY NOTHING!
I want this decision to be as easy for you as possible, so I’m going to take on all of the risk myself.

Today you will receive our 90-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.

When you try Acid Reflux 911… it either works to get rid of the chronic abdominal discomfort, inflammation, burning lumpy throat, bloating, belching and seemingly endless regurgitation…
Or you get all your money back. No questions asked.
That’s right...

We’ll send your supply right now, and if at any time over the next 90 days you decide it’s somehow not working for you, just contact us for a FULL REFUND

We can’t make this deal much better than that, don’t you agree?
Have I Gone Insane?
Maybe I have lost it a little bit, but we want to get our ground-breaking formula into as many VIP hands as we can before we run out of inventory.

We’re 100% convinced of the power of our Acid Reflux Relief Formula, so we’re willing to stick our necks out there and take ALL the risk.
Plus, we’ll do something absolutely CRAZY…
Not only will you get all your money back, but we’ll also give you an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try! (No joke.)
I know it sounds like we’ve lost our minds, but we’re not kidding around.

If you’re not happy with it...for any reason at all…. We’ll give you every single penny back.

PLUS another $100... Even if you use the entire bottle.
That’s how confident we are that our solution works.
And you should feel pretty confident too because…

Acid Reflux 911 goes under some of the most rigorous testing in the industry.
PhytAge Labs is trusted by over 800,000 customers around the globe,
and we have a reputation for being obsessive when it comes to quality control and testing.
Each of our products is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility, has been certified by GMP for quality and sanitation, and is regularly tested for potency by the FDA.

While other companies may take the cheaper route and skimp on quality control, we wouldn’t dream of it.
PhytAge Labs guarantees quality control because we operate by regulations that are more strict than those of the government.
In our latest inspection by the FDA, we passed without one single issue.

Which is almost unheard of.

Even in corporate facilities, with billions of dollars, there’s at least one issue during an FDA inspection.

A leaky faucet… a dirty floor… something.

But the FDA didn’t have one complaint about our facility.
Honestly, even that isn’t enough to satisfy us.

We make sure that each probiotic we source is tested thoroughly to ensure that every part of Acid Reflux 911 is of absolute quality so that you never have to wonder.

It’s pretty standard for us to dip into our own profits to ensure the quality of every bottle.

We may not make as much money as we could… but we know that you’ll be a customer for life.
That’s how confident we are in Acid Reflux 911.
When you click the button below this screen, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page.

Here, you’ll enter your payment and shipping info.
And don’t worry.

Thanks to our encrypted merchant account that rivals HIGH-LEVEL SECURITY websites like Walmart and…

Your info will be completely safe.

So you can do the right thing and be on your way to defeating your heartburn and reflux pain with no worries.
You could start seeing results as soon as 7 days after you’ve taken your first all-natural capsule, like it happened for me and so many others…
Without a doubt you’ll inevitably notice the results in less than 4 weeks with Acid Reflux 911
If you want to permanently kiss your reflux good-bye you’ll need to maintain an adequate supply of Acid Reflux 911 to completely neutralize the H. pylori bacteria that’s wreaking havoc in your stomach to keep you healthy, well-rested and protected.

That’s why I highly recommend the VIP 4-bottle option for long-term results.
Regardless of your selection, the entire purchase is protected by our EXCLUSIVE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE + $100.

Created ONLY for those who take advantage of my special offer!
After continuing your use of Acid Reflux 911 for a few months, you’ll be able to live free again and eat any food your heart desires.
  • Cherry pie with a buttery, flaky crust…  
  • Grilled hamburgers with ketchup on sesame seed buns…
  • Gooey, cheesy pizza and rich tomato sauce…
  • Chocolate brownies, donuts, ice cream…
You name it… and you won’t regret eating it!

And while we’re on the subject of food…
Just by investing in Acid Reflux 911 today we’re giving you a FREE copy of :
The Reflux Friendly Cookbook: Eat Without Fear.
Each custom-created recipe was developed to be simple, easy, taste great AND starve H. pylori of the fuel it needs to survive.

These easy meals combined with Acid Reflux 911 deliver faster and more powerful results than you can imagine.

Each mouth-watering meal is approved by our Advisory Board so you can indulge in guilt-free eating…

This $39 value is yours to keep… even if you decide Acid Reflux 911 isn’t right for you!
Look, many have been where you are now…
Unsure whether or not this solution will work or not.
As bad as you want to believe, how could you be sure?

I get it. It’s not your fault!

But you owe it to yourself to try Acid Reflux 911.

Experience the massive change you deserve in DAYS.
You’ll be making a COMPLETELY RISK-FREE purchase today.
Do this for your physical health, your mental health AND your wallet.

If this isn’t the GREATEST investment you’ve ever been presented with to get rid of heartburn pain and discomfort…

Send us an email and I’ll refund you every penny immediately PLUS $100.
You’ll have such a new sense of control over your life that you would have to be brainless not to keep Acid Reflux 911 by your side!

Soothe your painful burning in your chest and throat, soothe your stomach, and get better sleep… while having zero side effects.

Click the ‘Add to Order’ button below.

Once we run out…. That’s it.
That’s why we were very selective with who we wanted to share this presentation.

You can stock up now to ensure that you stay on the path of fixing your gut health… no matter how much (or how little) success you’ve had finding relief in the past.

If the ‘Add to Order’ button is still showing up on this page that means we still have some left in stock.

And the deep discount is still available.
Click the ‘Add To Cart’ button below right now... 
So you don’t miss out because once you start taking Acid Reflux 911, you’ll wish you would have started it sooner.
Order with confidence, security and privacy…
Now you've reached a crossroad.
In one can leave this page and keep doing what you’ve been doing so far.

Avoiding “trigger foods”, taking doctor prescribed drugs...

Uncomfortably propping your head and upper body on wedge pillows to try and get some sleep without acid pooling in your throat.

In the end, you’re still left with the wretched pain.
The same discomfort. The same frustration. The same unhappiness…
If you continue down this road, it's inevitable that the "bad" feelings will win.
Why not give yourself this BIG ADVANTAGE?
Make things EASIER!
It all starts and ends with Acid Reflux 911.
After helping thousands of people, I know this first step is the most important.

Just Click The Add To Cart button below and grab this while you can.

This is for a LIMITED TIME only as a promotion to get the product into the hands of more people who need it.
Once this deal is gone, you cannot get it again.
Studies show that continuing to live with Acid Reflux over the years can actually lead to long-term complications if not taken care of.

If left untreated, it’s all going to get worse.
We’re talking about serious complications like chronic GERD, bleeding and permanent damage to your esophagus, peptic ulcers, and sometimes even cancer.

It’s pretty terrifying to know that all this can lead you down a road of ruined relationships, loss of the enjoyment of life, and a deep depression.

Instead, I’d love if you could take immediate action.
Just take a moment to visualize yourself completely free from your physical and emotional prison.
  • What would you do?
  • Where would you go?
  • And who would you spend time with?
  • How would you feel about yourself?
Well, that’s why we created Acid Reflux 911… 
To make those feelings a reality.

To give you the life you’ve been missing out on.

It’s the easiest choice you can make today…

And one that will make the biggest difference in your life tomorrow.

I’ve offered a completely risk-free, money-back guarantee…

Plus another $100 on top of your money back if I’m wrong about all this… But I won’t be.
People across America are discovering this little website from family, friends and a group of doctors brave enough to share the truth with their patients.
Like Jack Henry of Bedford, NH who says:
"I’m finally able to get some darn sleep at night and eat spicy food without worry.

I’m getting my life back. I’m so glad your shipments arrive so fast. Thank you!"
Jocelyn Andrews from Franklin Lakes, NJ says,
"Those PPIs felt like they were going to kill me.
But when I tried your Acid Reflux 911, all my pain was gone in a little over 2 weeks. I fall asleep much easier without constant discomfort.
I would have paid much more but I’m glad I didn’t have to!”
These real-life testimonials are only a couple of the thousands we're getting each month, which means people just like you are experiencing amazing results with Acid Reflux 911.
Look, if you’re still here… that means two things…
  • 1. You understand just how important getting through your days and nights pain-free is to your happiness.

  • 2. You have a few questions.
I'm going to quickly answer some of the most common questions I get about Acid Reflux 911.
  • 1. How Does Acid Reflux 911 Work Again? 
A breakthrough discovery shows that acid reflux has nothing to do with your levels of stomach acid…

Instead, it’s triggered by a bacteria called H. pylori, which is the most common bacterial pathogen found in humans…
Usually, it’s totally harmless.

But as we age our digestive system slows down… and that leaves undigested food in your stomach for H. pylori to feast on…

This produces lots of hydrogen gas whirling around your stomach…

Which then shoots acid up into your esophagus… 
Causing heartburn so bad you can’t even find relief!
It’s been scientifically proven that the specific strains of probiotics in the Acid Reflux 911 formula naturally lower H. pylori levels in your stomach.

This relieves the symptoms of acid reflux like heartburn, lumpy throat pain, and regurgitation.
By addressing your reflux at its true root cause Acid Reflux 911 is a solution that’s proven to work even when everything else has failed you.
  • 2. Why has this acid reflux solution been kept secret from me?

Big Pharma makes billions in profits each year from its PPIs and other acid-stopping drugs.

Now that there’s a 100% natural solution to actually cure what their drugs only barely treat, they will do all they can to prevent you from learning the truth. Otherwise, their easy stream of cash dries up.
It’s been exposed that Pharmaceutical companies fund much of the medical research that determines what your doctor prescribes you.

Because their drugs don’t work on the root cause of your reflux and heartburn, which you now know is H. pylori…
Now you’re trapped because you need to keep taking their drugs just to get temporary relief.
But if you stop taking their PPIs, the acid reflux comes right back… giving you no choice but to get back on their drugs.

Who knows which acid reflux drug you’re taking could be the next to be discovered to have horrible consequences for your health?

That’s exactly why you need an all-natural probiotic solution like Acid Reflux 911… just like more than 16,355 Americans have already discovered.
  • 3. Is Acid Reflux 911 right for me?
If you’re looking for an all-natural SOLUTION to finally rid your body from acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, belching, throat pain, or regurgitation of any kind, then absolutely Acid Reflux 911 is for you.

If you’re looking for a rapid soothing effect on your stomach and better overall digestion with a stronger, more robust immune system and an overall increased sense of vitality for years to come… Then YES this formula is FOR YOU!

Unlike PPIs and other drugs, there’s also zero side-effects. Since it's all-natural, you can take Acid Reflux 911 with other supplements, but we recommend consulting with your physician first.
  • 4. How Many Bottles Should I Order?
We recommend ordering the largest amount possible so that you get more savings.

With such limited supplies, ordering more will ensure that you don’t miss out if we’re out of stock.

Acid Reflux 911 has a shelf life of 2 years so you don’t have to worry about it going bad if you claim multiple bottles.
Take one capsule each day for at least 60 days.
Eliminating reflux and healing your digestive tract while reducing the amount of H. pylori bacteria in your gut does happen seemingly overnight for some...

But as everyone’s body is different, for others it could take some more time, as is totally normal for natural solutions.
And you'll want to continue giving your body a steady supply of these essential probiotics, so the heartburn, bloating, belching and burning never have the chance to come back.

We recommend you choose at least four bottles of Acid Reflux 911 for the smartest most proactive approach.

This way you can guarantee you've done everything you can to defeat your acid reflux and burning discomfort.
  • 5. After I click the “Add to Cart” button what happens next?
Once choosing the right package for your needs, you’ll go to our 100% secure checkout page.

Then simply enter your payment information and place your order…

And then in 5 short days from now you should receive your supply of Acid Reflux 911

Which means you’re less than a week away from making your acid reflux a distant memory.
  • 6. Is Acid Reflux 911 a replacement for any kind of medicine?
No. Acid Reflux 911 helps defeat the H. pylori bacteria in your gut, but it does not treat any disease and should not be used to replace any medication you may be on.

If you’re currently on a treatment plan under your doctor’s care, be sure to follow his or her advice on any health issue.

Do not stop that treatment plan unless your doctor tells you to. 
  • 7. How Do I Know Acid Reflux 911 Will Work For Me?
If you’re wondering if Acid Reflux 911 is right for you then I encourage you to try it out for yourself.

With our 90-day, Triple Money-Back Guarantee you can see if you like it at absolutely no risk:
GUARANTEE #1 The Quality Acid Reflux 911 contains the missing probiotic nutrients strains you need in the purest form possible.

GUARANTEE #2 The Source - The entire process behind sourcing, purifying, bottling, and shipping this Advanced Reflux Relief Formula is guaranteed to be carried out under our exacting quality standards with absolutely no compromise.
GUARANTEE #3 Your Complete Satisfaction - We stand behind each bottle 100%. That's why you have a full 90 days to try Acid Reflux 911 and put it to the test yourself.
Alright I really want Acid Reflux 911. What now?
This part is simple!

Just click the button below this presentation and choose your package.

Then complete your order. And Acid Reflux 911 will be in your hands in just five business days from now.

Plus there’s no risk because of my iron clad guarantee.
However, there is one “catch”
Your discounted price is only guaranteed until our current inventory runs out.

This isn’t hype. Only transparency…

After our current inventory runs out…

Making a new batch of Acid Reflux 911 immediately with these exact ingredients would not only be nearly impossible… would also cost substantially more.
And we’ll be forced to readjust our pricing for future bottles.

That’s why I’ve made it easy for you to stock up while you can with a massive savings off the retail price.
So go ahead and place your order now!
Thanks for being a part of this presentation and God bless.

Johnny Clark

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and any likeness to any individual (living or dead) mentioned in the above content is entirely coincidental. This is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Click here to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of our ingredients based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

© 2025 PhytAge Laboratories